Market Report 11/3/18

Regional Market

Great Northern Farm in Eaton, Madison County, is one of two spots where one was able to procure duck eggs on Saturday.Regional Market

These dryer balls, which act the same way commercial dryer sheets do, are from Claddagh Farm Alpacas in Lafayette, Onondaga County. The farm raises Peruvian Huacaya Alpacas for their wool.Regional Market

Dryer balls are spun from a blend of alpaca wool that is left over from garment production, and sheep wool. The lanolin in sheep wool allows the materials to bind together. The balls act the same way that chemical dryer sheets do. That is, they keep the drying clothes from twisting and tangling. Claddagh Farm claims the balls are effective for roughly 3,000 loads.Regional Market

Teresa Bunce of Heidelberg Breads in Herkimer County works among the wide variety of fresh loaves Saturday morning at the Regional Market in Syracuse. Heidelberg Breads is one of the most popular stops at the market, considered by many the highlight of their shopping excursion.